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Taking advantage of the pandemic confinement, I decided to convert a text that I read every time I was invited to the United States to video. The video tries to explain in the simplest way how the fact that Americans call themselves "Americans" is not as innocent an act as they presume.

Video: Pepe Rojo / Daniel Rojo.

View on Vimeo.

Portada Americans.png
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teaser Does America mean.png
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teaser  This is America.png
video tierra y libertad
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"Let's go to life"

Record of intervention "The Constitution is Dead"

Video: Jose Luis Martín.

tierra y libertad flag workshop
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"Open pit"

Video: José Villarán / Pepe Rojo

Interactive video for reading the work of José Villarán.

"Forensic Love Presentation"

Video: Carlos Matsuo

Book presentation record.


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